It’s Not Meant for You

I forgot that wordpress won’t let me upload videos unless I pay them monies. Here is the youtube thing, then:

There’s always been a gap between what it means and what it is, but there won’t be an evening when I’ll forgive you what you did

but some things will never change, they’ll only intensify with age
They’ll grow bitter and sour and rot and ferment they fester sequestering  inside of your head
You can only maintain what is keeping you sane when the hard-hitting questions are safe from your brain
You can’t stay forever, you know you’re too clever to stick out the storm when its source is forever in you.

It’s not meant for you x 7
It’s not meant for you to know

I’ve seen the gap between your wall, the muck behind your bathroom stall
I’ve seen your dirty magazines, I’ve seen your heart, I’ve seen it all,
And I know from the way you wince that you feel where my footsteps fall
But I only regret that you’ll wake up one morning and find
The snake it has guzzled the orchard you treasured, the dark is in ruins the shadows in tatters,
and you feel the jelly its dripping and steady, from hard-nippled swells, you can feel it already

CHORUS (+ 7 “It’s not meant for you”)

Uruguay, Listen Up! (song)

Alright, so, first draft of song for Katy, who’s moving to Uruguay this summer and whom I can’t live without. Yeah, the guitar noise overpowered my singing noise so I opted for the uke instead. Sorry it’s so shitty and out of tune.  WordPress is being kind of a dick though, so you have to go to youtube to look at it. Lyrics are below the video. I apologize for nothing.