New Palindromes (Also, sexy existential cheese)

Here’s Poli-Sci class. Not been posting lately because I’m channeling my  creative energies towards other things, like remembering to shower and wash my clothes. I agree, it’s lame, but necessary, I assure you. These were up on facebook but I thought I’d post them here all together, too. Plus it makes me feel like I’m doing something and relieves some of the feelings of building hysteria. Yay?

I saw made man, a sorrowed sad, as dew or Rosa, named “am” was I. A palindrome about an android experiencing existential crisis after reading Juliet’s what’s-in-a-name monologue.
Alright, last one. My poli-sci palindrome:
See, for on a bank, nab an oro, fees
Embossed o sad nature-rut, and as odes sob, me
I sit, a nit, in a tisi.
I know tizzy is misspelled, but I don’t even know if it’s a real word, so I’ma count it. It’s about an old man reflecting on the evolution of currency from use of precious metals to today’s economy, and how humbled he feels in the face of the higher-power of society. Also about the fact that the same patterns repeat despite the fact that mankind’s been writing about them for centuries. I’m gonna go sleep and wash my socks.

My palindrome for the election: No, it celestial, U.S. nine-pedi, side, peninsula! It’s election!
About how democracy isn’t governed by divine right, and about how Florida was split 50/50 for a while. Also takes place in alternate-universe where America is actually governed by a secret society of nine-footed tyrants. Yeah…that justifies it.