Moon-Eyed Man

This is my homage to Neil and the Sandman series. It’s actually based on a dream I had before I read the series, but after I found the books, I realized how perfectly it fit to Mr. Gaiman’s description of Dream and Death. So, here it is! An oldie, but…well, it’s an oldie, anyway.


The moon-eyed man speaks in mumbling tongues
Handling soft carapace-beads in his time-worn hands
The sliver in his eye makes his face turn down
Encrusted in his brow lies a thousand sands

Sliding through the world, like sepulchral silk
At a moment’s pace, death flits behind
Sending sympathetic glances to the corners of the Earth
He sees the world; his face is blind.

The moon-eyed man feels for all in plight,
Though help may come with dissonance
His tools are apt, his steps are light,
He blankets you in ignorance.

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